Eight-year-olds are usually outside, playing with their friends, riding bikes and getting into simple and harmless trouble. But Sticky the Menace was playing basketball, creating poetry, starting to make music and drawing all at the same time at that age. So yeah, she wasn't your typical eight year old and she most certainly isn't your typical artist either.

Hailing from Fort Worth, Texas, Sticky was raised by parents that made sure she was, what most would call "kept busy" but really her family appreciated and supported her talent early on. Her mom had Sticky in sports and exploring her artistic side as early on as possible. As she got older, Sticky wanted to branch out and do things outside of what her family had planned for her so she started getting into trouble. But that didn't last long. Music became much more important.

Raised on a variety of artists like Aretha Franklin, Prince, Tupac, T.I., Erykah Badu and more, music was always around for Sticky. At the age of 9, she wrote her first song and that moment in time became the shift in her life. From writing one song to filling up notebooks with lyrics, Sticky just couldn't stop. And the music she was writing didn’t even have beats to them!

Fast forward to late 2018, where the second half of the magic started happening. Sticky started turning all those written songs into actual recorded songs. As time went on and she kept recording, she realized that she was more than a rapper but more like an artist. Her music started to develop and she molded it into a trapsoul vibe: a combination of hip-hop and soul which clearly spoke to the love she has for those sounds.

Since jumping into the booth in 2018, Sticky has released multiple tracks including "Kap Talk," "Bloody Coupe," "Let Me Know" and more. As of recently, releasing "U GOT IT," Sticky continues to create music that not only speaks to her but to her listeners.
Stay tuned for what she does next. We promise it'll be worth the wait.